White DX 30s Style

This 30's style door is made from a primed solid core in white and features three rectangular inset panels below a larger square panel.

Finish Options


Size (mm) Code
1981 x 686 mm WFDX27
1981 x 838 mm WFDX33
2040 x 726 mm WFDX726
2040 x 726 mm WFDX726FC
2040 x 826 mm WFDX826FC
1981 x 838 mm WFDX33FC
1981 x 686 mm WFDX27FC
1981 x 762 mm WFDX30FC
2040 x 826 mm WFDX826
1981 x 762 mm WFDX30
1981 x 610 mm WFDX24

Price : £

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